Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sustainability in Planning?

So, I had my first meeting with my new committee - the Institutional Planning Council. While I was listening to one of the committee co-chairs basically re-capping the committee progress through last year (first meeting of the academic year) and where things were going from here, I started thinking in the back of my mind, what is sustainable planning? What kind of relationships would we like to have between the college plans and college operations? How could we get to this 'ideal planning' state? What are the steps?

I'll have the chance to really hash that out with my committee members over the next five months, but based on my initial questions, I think I piqued some interest in these issues. The first proper meeting is in two weeks (This was more of a status report/update than a proper committee meeting), so I'll get a chance to properly vet my questions then.

I am terribly curious though, comparing this to our final project: If our final project is more about getting a community interested in these issues, how does this translate to a workplace environment which often requires 'champions' of ideas in order for anything to happen that's not mandated by law? It's a tough question that I don't really know how to answer.

- Jason

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